Admission Requirements

Change your life today.

The Asia Caribbean Open Institute is dedicated to students who can meet the following requirements:

  • Must be 18 years old and above
  • Must be willing to self-study
  • Have a valid photo identity document or equivalent - (i.e. drivers license, passport, national identity card, etc.)
  • Show proof of completion of secondary education - (Level 3 of the International Standard Classification of Education - ISCED)
  • Ability to read and understand English - (All courses are in English. If you want to improve your English, please visit BBC Learning English)
  • Access to a desktop or mobile device - (All courses and exams are taken online)
  • Internet connection

As an open institute of higher education, we accept applications for enrollment anytime. Applications from all countries are welcome while applicants from selected countries in Asia and the Caribbean are provided with reduced fees. Please use the form below to complete the enrollment procedure. All documents must be sent in English or translated to the English language. The Institute does not have an admissions test but applicants should be prepared for a voice call or video interview to complete their admissions evaluation. As we offer a different curriculum, no transfer of credits will be accepted even if the applicant has previously taken higher education.

Successful applicants will be informed by the Institute's admissions team and must settle the one-time enrollment and registration fee corresponding to their chosen programme upon enrollment confirmation. The fees quoted below are effective starting 1 January 2024. We only accept Euros.

  • Diploma in Business Studies - €150
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Studies - €200
  • Associate in Business Studies - €250
  • Bachelor of Business Administration - €300
  • Bachelor of Computer Science - €300
  • Professional Master in Business Administration - €500

Why do we charge an enrollment and registration fee? Though the Institute does not charge tuition fees and exam fees, our registrar individually assesses, records and approves each application. This manual work is needed to legitimize your enrollment in the Institute and document your information for verification purposes of future employers and other interested parties post graduation. Part of the proceeds of our fees also allow us to provide financial aid and scholarships to students who need it the most. Application assessment begins once you have completed the form below with the corresponding requirements and have sent the enrollment fee. 

On a case-by-case basis, the Institute offers a 5% reduction  in enrollment fees for less fortunate students applying from the following countries we serve: Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Jamaica, Commonwealth of Dominica, Belize, Guyana, Barbados, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, Bahamas, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda and all dependent territories of France, U.K., Netherlands and U.S.A. in the Caribbean region.

To further support students from Least Developed Countries (LDC), the Institute provides a 10% reduction on the one-time enrollment fee for students residing in the current list of LDC's according to the United Nations. Please confirm if your country is on the list to avail of this reduced fee. The countries of Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Haiti are on this list. 

Through the support of our partners and patrons, we have limited scholarships, financial aid and bursaries available to extremely disadvantaged students. Please contact us at to schedule an interview for eligibility.

Enrollment Form

Enrollment Fee

Complete your one-time enrollment fee using Paypal's secure payment gateway below. These donations maintain the Institute's ongoing efforts.

Paypal Donations

You can also send your donations via international bank transfer. Please note that your bank may charge you service fees separately. We only accept payments in Euros. Please contact us for bank details.
Copyright (c) 2019-2024 All Rights Reserved

Asia Caribbean Open Institute - an educational advocacy of the Caribbean ASEAN Council
A private higher education institution in Switzerland and registered foreign school in the United Kingdom with UK Register of Learning Providers number (UKPRN) 10086159

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